How good it is, and how pleasant,
when brothers dwell together in unity. -Psalms 133
The Reform Temple of Rockland Men’s Club mission is to support the Temple’s outstanding Youth Programs and to provide assistance as needed for any youth group events, including the Purim Carnival. We sponsor the cost of the youth group advisor. The Men’s Club also has the mission of providing events of interest to its members and to RTR.
The Men’s Club also serves the greater RTR throughout the year. Along with WRJ/Sisterhood, we provide and present gifts to Bar and Bat Mitzvah, and co-sponsor the regular Friday night Oneg Shabbat. During the High Holidays, Men’s Club members set up chairs and prayer books in the sanctuary and serve as ushers.
Major events include a Sukkot and/or first day of religious school Barbeque (among other Barbeques), a Super Bowl breakfast to support the annual Red Cross blood collection and a Comedy Night. The annual outing to the Boulders is open to the congregation and is an enjoyable and congenial experience. We also offered a pre-Pesach program on personalizing your Passover Seder that was well received and are open to doing similar programming in the present and future. Other programming will be planned. Members have the enviable opportunity to share the fun and company of an outstanding group of men. We remain open to our members’ ideas and suggestions.
Men’s Club Leadership:
President – Seth H. Schlanger
VP – Marty Gottlieb
Treasurer – David Firstenberg
Secretary – Alvin Aronoff
Cliff Malat
Steven Dachs
Eric Gischner
Michael Rutter
Barry Schoenberg
Denis Tanney
Ron Stack
Warren Holtzman
Seth H. Schlanger 914-523-6812 and/or email sethschlangerlaw@aol.com